Hot Cocoa Chocolate Mix with warm milk was a treat growing up. Remember the Swiss invention, Nestle’s Quik (now called Nesquik)?

Truth be told, it’s a treat in adult life too. The memories of drinking hot cocoa and sitting next to the fireplace are hard to match. We used to come in from the bitter Midwestern cold after playing hockey or a snowball fight and head straight to the fireplace to thaw our fingers and toes. My mom would bring all of us hot cocoa which did double duty to warm our hands and bodies.
The sentiment is perfectly captured in the lyrics of the Pink Floyd’s song, Time:
“When I come home
Cold and tired
It’s good to warm my bones
Beside the fire.”
Hot Cocoa Chocolate Mix
It was a treat when Joan R. from South Carolina, submitted her homemade recipe for hot cocoa chocolate mix. It was one of our Thanksgiving Recipe Xchange winners.
This recipe calls for dry whole milk powder. The milk powder can be substituted with a plant-based milk powder for those who are lactose intolerant or keep kosher and would like it after turkey. If you prefer a non-dairy alternative, you can substitute the dry milk powder with oat, coconut, soy, rice or cashew powder. I find that the substitutes don’t quite capture the richness of real whole milk. However, know you have alternatives.
Joan’s recipe makes 2 cups of cocoa mix, enough for 8 servings. I also love her suggestion of packaging it into a container and giving it as a gift during the holidays.
Preparing the Mix
The preparation takes 5-10 minutes if you have all the ingredients on hand. Joan’s serving suggestion is to add 3 tablespoons of the mix into a cup with 6-8 ounces of milk (or water) and microwaving it for 90 seconds.
She then tops it with mini-marshmallows, whipped cream, sprinkles or dusts it with your favorite spice — such as cinnamon, pumpkin spice or crushed peppermint candy. Yum!
Whatever topping you prefer, this Hot Cocoa Chocolate Mix is sure to be a hit, and may even bring back some of your great childhood memories.

Hot Cocoa Chocolate Mix
- 1 cup dry whole milk powder ((For nondairy version, substitute with plant based dry milk alternatives such as oat, coconut, soy, rice or cashew powder))
- ¾ cup unsweetened cocoa powder
- ¾ cup granulated sugar
- 2 tsp cornstarch
- ¼ cup semi sweet chocolate (grated or very finely chopped)
- 2 Tbsp pumpkin pie spice
- Place all ingredients in a sieve or colander (except for the grated chocolate), shaking gently into a bowl to remove lumps. Stir in the grated chocolate.
- Store dry mix in a container of choice.
- To Serve:
- Place 3 Tbs. of mix into a cup or coffee glass.
- Add 8 oz of water or milk.
- Microwave 90 seconds or till hot. Stir well.
- Adorn with marshmallows, whipped cream , or sprinkles of pumpkin pie spice, peppermint, etc.