Moroccan Passover Date Raisin Walnut Haroset (Charoset)

Charoset, haroset, or charoses (Hebrew: חֲרֽוֹסֶת‬ [ḥărōset]) is a sweet, dark-colored paste made of fruits and nuts eaten at the Passover Seder. The color and texture are meant to recall mortar (or mud used to make adobe bricks) the Israelites used when they were enslaved in Ancient Egypt. As mentioned in Tractate Pesahim (page 116a) […]

Moroccan Mrouzia Lamb Tagine with Raisins

Lamb Tagine with Raisins and Onions (Mrouzia)

Lamb Tagine with Raisins and Onions (Mrouzia) is a staple of Moroccan cuisine. This delicious stew or “tagine” is served at Passover. It is traditionally slow-cooked over charcoal where it acquires a special savor. However, a Dutch oven or slow cooker can be used. See more Lamb recipes here. Be the first to get new […]

Lamb and Chickpea Tagine with Raisins

Lamb and Chickpea Tagine with Raisins

Lamb and Chickpea Tagine with Raisins is one of the most savory, mouth watering dishes you can make. See more lamb recipes here. Be the first to get new recipes when you sign up for the Kosher Cowboy newsletter.


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