Queijinhos de amêndoa
Moroccan Sweet Fried PastryMoroccan Sweet Fried Pastry (aka: Fijuelas, Fazuelos, Deblas, Fejouela, Hojuelas)Moroccan Sweet Fried Pastry
Couscous in Milk and Butter
Moroccan Chicken in Parsley and Turmeric Sauce
Moroccan Fish in Tomato Sauce (Chraime)
Moroccan Purim Bread "Boyosa" (boyoja, ojos de Haman)
Moroccan Shortbread Cookies "Ghoriba"
Vegetable Soup with Lettuce Purim
Traditional Moroccan Mint Tea (Na'na)
Deanna's Coconut Raisin Clusters
Marzipan Almond Paste Treats