The Perfect Crepe Recipe

the perfect crepe recipe

Claiming to be The Perfect Crepe Recipe is a bold statement, especially if you are not French, oui? That means the results have to be spot-on. The perfect crepe must have crispy edges. It must also be pliable with an elastic consistency. And finally, it should also be able to contain oozing chocolate hazelnut spread. […]

Mofletta Moroccan Crepes


Mofletta Moroccan Crepes (also spelled Mufleta, Mofleta, Moufleta) is a Maghrebi region Jewish crepe. Mofletta is one of the signature highlights at any Mimouna Party. This crepe is typically the first “leavened” food Moroccan Jews enjoy immediately following the conclusion of the Passover holiday. Every family has their own recipe. One of the most fun parts of the Mimouna celebration is […]


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