Best Ways To Use Leftover Matzah

Best Ways To Use Leftover Matzah

(When You Don’t Own A Horse)

Who doesn’t need a list of the Best Ways to Use Leftover Matzah?

Though we’ve become pretty good at estimating how much matzah we’ll need for the Passover holiday, it seems that we always have a leftover box or two. And by the end of the holiday, no one wants one of these dried, tasteless, giant crackers, especially after re-engaging with leavened bread.

Since we were only going to host one Seder night this year with family, we purchased a 5-pound case of matzah. Eight days later, we still had nearly a full box leftover. A sense of pride came over me.

However, I am left with the dilemma of what do to with almost a full box of leftover matzah. And yet, it’s well-known that matzah is the only thing harder to give away than a Christmas fruit cake.

Best Ways To Use Leftover Matzah

Yes, I’ve heard all the jokes and viewed all the memes about matzah and it’s effects on a digestive system. It’s important to understand that the supersized cracker is extremely versatile. The celebrated matzah has many other utilitarian uses:

  1. Use it as a Frisbee
  2. Patch a driveway
  3. A a beer coaster
  4. Filling for a hamster cage
  5. Snackable bookmarks

When You Don’t Own A Horse

Luckily, we live on a ranch with horses whom appreciate the occasional treat of dry oats, wheat and barley to compliment their daily hay. In fact, our horses play a big role in getting rid of our chametz (pre-Passover) while also taking care of finishing off any leftover matzah, matzah meal, and farfel. Yes, they gain a few pounds, but who doesn’t?

Our Matzah lovers

The 5 Best Ways To Use Leftover Matzah Recipes

Though we really do feed our horses our leftover matzah, the bulk is used for our tradition of smashing it over unsuspecting guests’ heads (Moroccan family tradition) and sustaining us through the holiday. Beside the obligatory matzah ball soup served during the Seder, most of our matzah is consumed during Chol Hamoed (the intermediary days) as a bread replacement. Crumbly sandwiches, creative main dishes and desserts are all made with matzah.

So without further ado, here are my top 5 leftover matzah recipes:


Honey and Butter Matzah “Sono Tono”
The "Sono-Tono" is a much appreciated breakfast or snack during Passover.
Check out this recipe
honey and butter matzah sono tono


Spinach, Feta & Artichoke Matzah Lasagna
This is a delicious Passover substitute for lasagna. Layers of artichoke, spinach, feta, ricotta and mozzarella make this is sure winner.
Check out this recipe
Spinach feta and artichoke matzah lasagna


Passover Power Bars
These bars are rich, sweet, gooey and definitely addictive. This recipe is a takeoff of my Outrageous Magical Bars. My family loves them so much I’ve converted my regular skinny recipe for Passover. I’m using matzo crumbs instead of graham cracker crumbs and a spread like Smart Balance to replace the reduced-fat butter. I’m also adding dried cranberries. They require no mixing or fussing. Just seven ingredients layered right in the pan.
Check out this recipe
passover power bars


Chocolate Rocky Road Matzah Clusters
If there's one dessert you should make for Passover, it's this Chocolate Rocky Road Matzah Clusters recipe. Matzah has never tasted so good. This is a hands-down favorite of every guest.
Check out this recipe
Chocolate Rocky Road Matzah Clusters


Spinach and Ricotta (Matzah) Lasanga
Eight days of unleavened bread can take its toll on the body and on the chef. This wonderful and refreshing recipe by Danya Weiner is sure to add a smile. It’s easy to make and makes for a nice dairy option to the common meat lasagne. 
Check out this recipe
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